How it Works

It's really simple and the team at fruitivia are here to help if you need it.

How much fruit do I need?

A good place to start is to buy around 2 pieces of fruit per employee per week. This is a good average taking into account the big fruiters and smaller ones.

Always start with less than you think you need in order to avoid food waste.

Choose a fruit mix & delivery days

A simple easy to eat mix of Apples, Pears, Easy Peel Citrus and Bananas or something more exotic?

Select your delivery day (s) - Monday to Friday.

Choose how you want to pay.

Payment for fruit is 4 weekly retrospectively. Pay by Card, Bank Transfer, Paypal or Direct Debit.

Reach Out to the Experts!

Here to help, advice for how much fruit to buy and the best prices.

Let's Talk!